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A catalogue of tiny slices of joy

Not going to lie – couldn’t keep up with this.

I love me a good deed, and I love the idea of doing one every day and writing it down, but honestly – who needs the pressure of another thing to do every day? So for the last 9 years (since my mom gave me this sweet book), it has sat on my shelf staring balefully at me.

But no more! Because I’ve repurposed it. I’m using it to catalogue tiny slices of joy. And I mean tiny… Putting on a fresh pair of socks. The relief when a headache lifts. Popping a whole strawberry into my mouth. All the little things.

I’ve started writing down 3 or 4 at the end of each day, as I climb into bed, and it’s become a sort of mindfulness ritual… Not as pressured as a gratitude journal, because I’m not grasping for gratitude. All I’m doing is looking back at my day for those little chinks of lightness, those deep breaths of “ah…”

I hope your Monday is full of them… 🍉 🌱


Published inInspiring

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