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Bridget McNulty Posts

2019 focus

Ah, a new year! What a joy… I’ve always loved new years because of the opportunity to assess, and reflect, and focus. There are a few areas I want to focus on this year, and one over-arching theme. Here’s what I’ve been thinking about lately – and what I hope for from 2019.

Finding wonder in the everyday

I’ve always been an optimist (thank heavens) and for as long as I can remember, I’ve been wildly enthusiastic. I feel so grateful for both of these traits – I don’t know if you can do much about it if you’re not naturally optimistic or if it’s hard to muster enthusiasm about things. For me, life is peppered with moments to look forward to. Small things that bring me slices of joy. (Like now: I just put on a pair of new socks and ooooh that feeling of new socks is so lovely!)

I cannot tell you how delighted I am that my kids appear to have inherited this gene.

Dealing with the news

It seems that this is the week of ostrich confessions! My approach to the news is generally very simple: I ignore it. If there’s something I need to know, Mark will fill me in (he reads BBC News on his phone all day and night, it seems). But I try to stay out of it as much as I can. This week, that’s been impossible.

A diabetic day

Considering I live with Type 1 diabetes every day, it’s quite surprising that each day isn’t a diabetic day. But it isn’t – I count myself as a ‘lucky diabetic’ in that most days, diabetes doesn’t stop me from doing anything. It doesn’t get in the way of real life. But once or twice a year, I have a diabetic day. Monday was one of those days.