My daughter is so cool. She’s only 5 years old (5 and a half on Wednesday!) but she has creativity pouring out of her fingertips…
I bought her a grey hoodie on super sale, and suggested we craft it up using vintage buttons and lace. She’s a big fan of @suzellediy and arts and crafts of any kind, so she loved the idea. What followed was a clearer creative vision than I have ever encountered in any work session, ever. “Yes, I like that one – no, not that one. Oh I’d love to use these ones! Only two though, not three.”
Then she laid them out on the hoodie, describing exactly where they should lie when she’s wearing it (the green flowers will be like ears, the cuffs should be like a bracelet but only on top because it still needs to be comfortable for her to draw while wearing the hoodie).
I told her how I once sewed a lace glove and pearl buttons on to a coat in my 20s and she nodded, like, “cool, I see what you were aiming for with that.”
Did I mention she’s only 5?!
What I love – so much – about this is that it feels a little bit like hanging out with my mom. She was a seamstress and quilter, and I inherited her vintage button collection and a basket of fabulous fabrics and all kinds of tools I don’t know how to use yet. Maybe, when she’s a bit older, my daughter and I can discover them together…
Maybe, when someone dies, it just takes a while for bits of their spirit to pop up in the ones you love they left behind.
#slicesofjoy #grief #griefhandbook #thegriefhandbook
Our loved ones live on
Published inInspiring
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