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A Month of No Shopping

I bought cloud pyjamas and a JOY mug because they were on super sale and really, how could I not?

But that’s it! Inspired by Ann Patchett’s beautiful essay – My Year of No Shopping – I’m embarking on A Month of No Shopping. Starting tomorrow, 1st of February (the shortest month of the year?! You don’t say…)

I’m a minimalist at heart, and I’m very good at only buying what I need (or what I can convince myself I need). I’m also very good at one-in, one-out (a pair of old pyjamas made way for these beauties). But I’ve found, lately, that shopping is taking up unnecessary headspace.

I’m talking online shopping, because that’s the only kind I do, pretty much. The allure of a sale or a good deal calling from my inbox… the sense that if I scroll through all 5 pages of deals I might find something magical (because sometimes I do!) The thrill of a delivery arriving that quickly, inevitably fades.

So I’m taking a break. I’ll still buy food (obviously) and go out to eat. If my kids need something (actually need), I’ll get it for them. But I’m buying out of buying for a month.

To be honest, it was this line from the essay that convinced me:
“The things we buy and buy and buy are like a thick coat of Vaseline smeared on glass: We can see some shapes out there, light and dark, but in our constant craving for what we may still want, we miss life’s details.”

I don’t want to miss life’s details! I want all of them, please.

Published inInspiring

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