I have wanted a @mooiessouthafrica family portrait for years. Years! And now I have one and it is even more beautiful than I could have imagined. She somehow captured our family spirit so beautifully and I can’t stop looking at it… 🥰
… Which is apt because I’ve just left my family for 8 days. I’m off to Lisbon (Lisbon!) for the International Diabetes Federation Congress (the IDF!) to present an e-poster about a voice for diabetes in SA and chat to international advocates about how to speak to the media. Such fun! Ever so slightly intimidating.
I love traveling, so much. And yet, simultaneously, I hate leaving home. So here I am: at the airport, having just had a glass of bubbly and some cheese and artichokes to celebrate, getting ready for a week and a bit of solo travel, and freedom.
So wonderful! But eep… Here I go ✈️
Travel anxiety… every time
Published inInspiring
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