I’ve been thinking a lot about reciprocity in relationships, lately. Those that feel balanced, and mutual, where there’s a kind of delicious give and take between friends…
The idea was first shared with me by my lovely friend Shivani (@circanow_za), pictured with me here on the dance floor last week… Shivani is the delight of a friend who has shared a month of joyful poems with us all during our #slicesofjoy April.
We first met on LinkedIn (how’s *that* for a romantic friendship origin story?!) and have since shared so many different life experiences – from Shivani being one of the speakers at the first Diabetes Summit (that I helped organize) to monthly walk-and-talks, dance parties, delicious dinners, fire rituals and most recently a beautiful retreat this past weekend… She is wise and fun and fascinating and honest, and I feel so blessed to call her my friend.
Here’s to more delightful friendships – where we spill over with things to talk about and can’t wait till the next time we get to be with each other. In fact, I think that might be my definition of friendship 💫
Reciprocity in relationships
Published inInspiring
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